About OLPH

A Brief History of

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Humble Beginnings

It was in the Fall of 1879 that Rev. John Paul Kelleher, following the wishes of Rev. Bishop William George McCloskey, rode a work train from Lebanon and established a mission church. History portrays the area as thriving, with the biggest threat to Catholicism being disease and the mode of transportation; three of the first five pastors suffered typhoid or fell from their horses while making rounds in the country.

*Catholics first attended church in Spurlington at St. Francis. And before Rev. Kelleher began the erecting of the church, initial Masses were held in a house on the present church property - the former residence of C.W. Wright.

*It was Mr. Wright who deeded three acres to Rev. Kelleher on November 19, 1879 for $900.00. That purchase led to two years of preparation before the church proper was erected and Masses began on a regular basis at the present location. Up to that point Masses were held in the home of John T. Newton. Eventually the church grew from 10 parishioners to it's level today.

*The Parish was named by Father Louis Deppen, of the Louisville Cathedral, who presented a picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Help that had been touched to the miraculous icon in Rome. Father Deppen made the presentation at the dedication ceremony.

  • Eight pastors served from the years 1879-1895. The structure served its parish well. It was a handsome edifice with a seating capacity of over 300. Seventeen priest took up residency over the next 59 years. Father Henry Stuecker built an elementary school building prior to 1958. In 1958 Fr. George Bowling, began to usher in more advances.         
  • In 1962 the mission church was raised to parish status and had outgrown its existing capacity.  Ground was broken on February 13, 1966 for a new church building. Seating 400, the church was designed with the new Liturgy in mind. One altar would stand at the center front of the sanctuary surrounded by a fan shaped nave. The Church was consecrated October 23, 1966 with more than a thousand people attending the ceremony.

 Growing Through Change

  • In 1970, declining enrollment caused the parochial school to close. In 1976 the old church building was razed. Beginning in 1995 a parishioner started working on new stained glass windows for the church which have greatly enhanced the sacredness of the church interior.
  • In 2010/2011 an interior renovation took place This renovation included the sanctuary being moved to the east end of the church. The nav, now has two long aisles of pews facing a beautiful altar over which hangs a life size crucifix. The vestibule was retiled and new wooden exterior front doors with stain glass side panels replaced the previous glass and metal doors.
  • We are what we are today because of good orthodox priests who have kept this rural parish growing spiritually as a community of worship and family.
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